Happy August Everyone

Hello My Fellow Crafters,

Can you believe that it’s August and the summer is almost over?  Well don’t get too upset because there are a lot of new things starting in August 🙂

Lets start with the August Stamp of the Month from Close To My Heart.

august sotm

Isn’t this stamp of the month AWESOME!  I love the name too, Purr-fect Halloween.  You can get a start on making your Halloween cards, Scrapbook pages or a special note card to a cat lover in your life.2016 2017 annual catalog

And now can you hear me Cheering?????  The new 2016-2017 Annual Inspiration Book is also available.  Soooo, I think you should relax pour yourself a beverage of your choice and look through this wonderful catalog and start shopping today!

Make It A Great Day and Don’t Forget To Leave Time To Craft!

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